Sin (Darklord)

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The fallen priest known as Sin[1] is a heucuva and the mastermind behind the Seven Islands of Sin. In life he was labeled a blasphemer and a heretic for professing that humanity was innately and irrevocably evil. He was an expert orator, philosopher, and theologian, but he used his gifts to corrupt and tempt into evil rather than enlighten and deliver from evil. Sin became the leader of a cult, establishing himself as the avatar of his deity. He corrupted his followers and corrupted the words of the holy texts, all with the ultimate aim to prove humanity was naturally evil. After Sin led a mass suicide that resulted in the death of all his flock, his deity cursed him and branded him beyond any salvation.

Sin is currently working on creating living incarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins for his latest project to prove his point. His "creations" include Angela Foxglove, Edmond Continere, Father Demonstro, and Thalida. Supposedly he is currently fabricating a Lord of Wrath. He blames the inborn vileness inside of the human heart on their creators, not humanity itself.

Authorial Credit

Sin was created by Robert Sweeney
