The Boots of Arak

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The Boots of Arak are a part of the Regalia of Arak[1][2]. The Boots of Arak function both as boots of elvenkind[1][2] and boots of speed[2]. A wearer's weight is only considered to be five pounds for purposes of triggering pressure-activated traps such as pressure-plates[1][2].

As with the other Regalia, the Amulet of Arak is cursed when used by entities other than shadow fey[3]. The Boots bear all of the standard curses of the Regalia.

Mohrg, Prince of Muryan, claims ownership of the Boots[2].


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

The Shadow Rift

The Shadow Rift - p137

The Shadow Rift - p136

The Shadow Rift - p136

Boots of Arak, The Boots of Arak