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The Muryan, also known as Dancing Men, are one of the nine major Arak races.[1]. These bloodthirsty fey are the professional combat forces of the Arak, eagerly taking to battle with wild and frenzied but elegant whirling dances[2][3]. Muryans act as guards and law enforcement for the Arak (though their muryankin changelings more frequently act as guards[4].) The muyran are chaotic creatures that interpret the laws of Arak society (but not the Law of Arak) loosely[4].

Like the other arak, the Sith dwell within the Shadow Rift, where they make up about six percent of the population.[5]


In their true forms, the muryan appear as white-skinned elves with extended ears and autumn-colored hair. They usually wear loose clothing that allows freedom of movement, such as kilts or the like.[2][3]

Muryan can assume the forms of normal ferrets[2] and other similar diminutive but fierce woodland predators.[6] The muryan can also use Disguise Self as a spell-like ability.[6] Despite their transformation and illusion abilities, the muryan do not have the Shapechanger Subtype[3]


Muryan enter combat ready to test their mettle, though not to the degree of recklessness. Muryan disregard mortal rules of engagement, using ruthless tactics many mortals would find despicable.[2] Muryan attack usually use longbow and scimitar[2][3]. Muryans favor strategies emphasizing mobility and attacking as many enemies as possible[6], for their melee strikes inflict a debilitating urge to dance upon their foes. Victims whom succumb to this urge are thrown off balance by despair. A muryan will often join such an impromptu "dance partner", soon causing complete blindness in the foe.[2][6]

Even being near a muryan in combat can sap one's will to go on. Foes nearby may become slowed followed by deafened[2][6]. As if this was not enough, muryan can cast a limited amount of arcane spells[2][6].

Muryan demonstrate a physical resiliency against weapons, save for those made of mithral or of sufficient magical strength to harm them.[2][3] They also enjoy total immunity to electricity and weapons made of wood. However, muryans possess the universal shadow fey vulnerability to sunlight.[2][6] According to Van Richten's Guide to the Shadow Fey (Item), the branch of the somnos plant can act as a ward against the muryan.[7]


Although generally taciturn, muryan speak the language of all breeds of the Arak[2]


Sith advance by character class, with fighter as their favored class. The barbarian and ranger classes are also selected by some.[8]

The Muryan and the Faerie Court

The muryan are part of the Unseelie Court. Their leader is Prince Mohrg, though all Unseelie Arak ultimately follow Prince Loht[9]. Under Loht's recent leadership, muryans have stepped up the frequency their patrols, and Loht has commanded out harsher punishments for lawbreakers. At the same time, Loht has also began to use the more sinister and evil powrie more frequently than muryan as agents to prevent dissent.[10]

The Muryan and Mortals

Muryans make changelings from skilled fighters and the like. A muryan moved by a foe's combat prowess may give the foe succor in order make them a changeling.[11] Mortals raised by muryan generally choose to advance as fighters and barbarians[12].

Homebrew Non-Canon Information

Descriptive Text

"The dancing-man glided forward, its eyes fixed on my companion. "Come, bright son of Summer," it commanded in its sweet voice. "We dance. Dance well, and you shall tread the measures with me in Endless Twilight." Harespex made no reply, but drew his longsword and stepped forward. As he did so, I saw that his eyes were as blank and unfocused as a sleepwalker's."

-Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest[13]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

The Shadow Rift

The Shadow Rift - p145

The Shadow Rift - p145

The Shadow Rift - p145

Dancing Men Muryan, The Muryan


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