Category:Whispering Way

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The Whispering Way is a secret society and cult in Ustalav that promotes undeath as the highest form of existence. Many followers of the way seek undeath for immortality. A majority of the Way's followers are wizards or wizard wannabes, though some clerics of the Eternal Order have also come under the Whispering Way's sway.[1] Although the majority of the inhabitants of Keening are undead, that land is mostly avoided by members of the Whispering Way.[2]

For more information on the Whispering Way, refer to the Pathfinder Chronicles: Faction Guide and Pathfinder Adventure Path #45: Broken Moon.

External Links

Whispering Way on the PathfinderWiki.


  1. QtR22 p. 223
  2. QtR22 p. 228-229

Pages in category "Whispering Way"

This category contains only the following page.