al-Kathos - Magic and the Djinn

by the Genie of the Ring

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Shairs in al-Kathos

Sha'irs are often seen as powerful and enigmatic figures. These individuals are gifted with the ability to summon genies. With arcane magicks they compel the genies to grant them access to the secrets of their homelands. An ancient trust was established. The "djinn" would serve the sha'ir and in return the sha'ir would not bind these genies into slavery. Those foolish sha'ir who betrayed this trust new that they would answer for their crimes and they did. As the ages wore on sha'irs were often seen as powerful wizards possessing dangerous secrets from the elemental planes were the genies dwelled. When the land of al-Kathos was pulled into the demi-plane of dread these legendary sorcerers learned that there are some secrets better off not knowing.

From the ranks of the true sha'irs emerged strong people who embraced the darkness and were able to command the genies of al-Kathos. Theirs was a dangerous and dark life. They live in fear of the very creatures the control but their need for power rules them. They know that the path they have chosen is a breach of the sacred trust. The only way they could command the vile creatures was to learn their dark ways. Normal genies and sha'irs look upon these dark mockeries of the art with a great disgust. These are pupils far removed from the teachings of Jafar al-Samal, the founder of this once revered art.

The False Sha'ir

True Sha'irs in al-Kathos

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