Barovia Village, Barovia - NPC List

by Damien Bloch

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This section lists known NPC's of Barovia Village, Barovia, gathered from different sources and papers.

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Bray Martikova, Holder of the Feather
Wereraven, Neutral Good
As a member of the keepers of the black feather, Bray runs the Blood o' the Vine Inn in Barovia village, from where this secret society seeks a way to destroy Strahd von Zarovich.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: Forbidden Lore: Cryptic Allegiances pg. 28

Pyoor Twohundredsummers
Ravenkin, Neutral Good
Leader of the Keepers of the Black Feather.
Location: The Nest, Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 132; Forbidden Lore: Cryptic Allegiances pg. 29

Dhoric Martikova
Wereraven, ??
A member of the Keepres of the Black Feather, Dhoric owned and ran the Blood o' the Vine Inn before he died and left it to his son Bray.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: Forbidden Lore: Cryptic Allegiances pg. 29

The following are assumed to be dead in the current timeframe. They were active at the year 528 BC.

Kolyan Indrirovich
0-level Human, ??
Late burgomaster of Barovia Village.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: House of Strahd/Ravenloft pg. 16

Ismark Indrirovich (the Lesser)
4th level Warrior, Neutral Good
Son of the Burgomaster.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: House of Strahd/Ravenloft pg. 14

Ireena Kolyana
5th level Warrior, Lawful Good
The adopted daughter of the Burgomaster, Ireena looks like Tatyana.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: House of Strahd/Ravenloft pg. 15

6th level Priest, Lawful Good
Local priest.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: House of Strahd/Ravenloft pg. 16

0-level Human, ??
Bildrath is the self-serving owner of a mercantile in Barovia Village.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: House of Strahd/Ravenloft pg. 14

5th level Warrior, Lawful Neutral
The simple-minded nephew and stockboy of Bildrath.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: House of Strahd/Ravenloft pg. 14

0-level Human, ??
Sullen and quiet barkeep at the Blood of the Vine tavern.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: House of Strahd/Ravenloft pg. 14

Mad Mary
0-level Human, ??
Mary hid her daughter in their house to keep her safe.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: House of Strahd/Ravenloft pg. 15

0-level Human, ??
The daughter of Mad Mary, Gertruda ran away after having been hidden for her entire life.
Location: Barovia Village, Barovia
Source: House of Strahd/Ravenloft pg. 15

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