Vallaki, Barovia - NPC List

by Damien Bloch

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This section lists known NPC's of Vallaki, Barovia, gathered from different sources and papers.

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Meiltan Sommerbach
1st-level Wizard (Necromancer), Chaotic Good
A 16-year old trapped in a 26-year old's body, Meiltan is haunted by his undead brother.
Location : Vallaki
Source : more info...

Mynilar Sannom
8th level human Artiste, Neutral Evil
A member of the Vallaki Kargatane, Mynilar spends most of his time writing depressing poetry.
Location: Vallaki, Barovia
Source: Book of Sorrows pg. 74

Ludmilla Markov
0-level Human, ??
Frantisek Markov's wife and experiment, she died in 698.
Location: Vallaki, Barovia
Source: Realm of Terror pg. 103

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