East Musarde River

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The East Musarde River cuts across the Pommel of southern Nova Vaasa a little south of Arbora. It enters Nova Vaasa from the Misty Border and innoculously traverses the short distance to the Sea of Sorrows. The puzzle it poses is suggested by its name. Locals, backed by the Vistani, maintain that it is a "continuation" of the Musarde, the great river of the Western [Core] that is fed not only by the meltwaters of the Barovian & Hazlani Balinoks but also by rivers that emerge from the Misty Border in southern Sithicus and in southwestern Hazlan. Given that the East Musarde flows out of the Misty Border and into the Sea of Sorrow it is not obvious in what sense it can be a "continuation" of its Western namesake. Prior to the Great Upheaval in 740 BC, Mount Makab in Bluetspur was the source of a river that traversed the Nightmare Lands and subsequently may have become the East Musarde.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V Thoughts of Darkness - poster map

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V - p13-14

Thoughts of Darkness - poster map Ravenloft Third Edition - inside back cover
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V - p12