Category:Timothy Family

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The Timothy family is a family of werewolves originally haling from Mordent. As a family of lycanthropes, their births have produced several litters of multiple siblings at once. A branch of the family sired children with the Dilisnya family, via Esther Timothy and Richtor Dilisnya.[1]

The Timothies have given birth to two figures that later became darklords.[1] Nathan Timothy's actions caused Arkandale to form[1] in 708 BC[2], and his son Alfred Timothy caused Verbrek to form[1] in 730 BC.[2] In the wake of the Grand Conjunction of 740 BC, the Dark Powers came to view Alfred as the more actively evil of the two, and Arkandale was absorbed by Verbrek.[3][4] Consequently, Nathan can now ply his ship, the Virago, up and down the rivers of all of the Core once again[5], though he still suffers from the curse he bore as a darklord.

