Tsuu-Y-Teke (Domain)

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Tsuu-Y-Teke (Domain)
Culture Level Stone Age (1)[1]
Ecology Full[1]
Climate & Terrain Warm deserts, hills and mountains[1]
Year Formed ?
Population 1,500[2]
Races (%) Humans 99%; Other 1%[2]
Languages Inan*[2]
Religions Cult of the Sun Puma*, Cult of the Vulture God[2]
Government Theocratic commonwealth[2]
Ruler(s) Councils of elders and priests[2]
Darklord(s) Heresa Heri the Vulture King[3]
Nationality {{{nationality}}}
Analog native Brazilian tribal legends and culture, with some influence from North and Central American native groups[4]
Related Categories
Locations in Tsuu-Y-Teke (Domain)
Transportation in Tsuu-Y-Teke (Domain)
Inhabitants of Tsuu-Y-Teke (Domain)
Former Inhabitants of Tsuu-Y-Teke (Domain)
Flora of Tsuu-Y-Teke (Domain)
Fauna of Tsuu-Y-Teke (Domain)
Native Monsters of Tsuu-Y-Teke (Domain)

Tsuu-Y-Teke is a hot and dry domain where the merciless sun shines brightly most of the day with only a brief respite for a twilight like time in the middle of where night would occur for other realms. The realm is dominated by deserts and other similarly arid terrains. Numerous caves and tunnels dot the mountains and other places of raised elevation in the realm.[5]

The predominant people are the Inan. They reside in pueblo dwellings cut into the canyons. Most Inan engage in one or more of the following activities to make a living: hunting, farming wheat, shepherd. or craftsmanship. Virtually all trade is done through barter. The people depend upon the Cult of the Sun Puma to preserver their culture through adverse conditions, maintain a sense of right and wrong, and aid in cultural rituals such as celebrations. The Inan decorate themselves in tattoos that signify social position, age, rank, and important milestones in life.[6]

The Inan tend to shun outsiders and others who are marked as strange, for they fear that such persons could be Kuni-Bina, spirits shrouded in false guises in order to bring down catastroophe more easily.[6]

A small number of people dwell in the caves normally shunned by the Inan. These people belong to the Cult of the Vulture God[6], the enemies of the Cult of the Sun Puma and the Inans. A few humans belong to the cult, but the majority are actual vultures.[7]

Tsuu-Y-Teke formed when Heresa Heri, the Vulture King, murdered Kananciwe and cursed the Inan and the Sun Puma for taking away "his" prize of the sun. But with such a curse, the Vulture King made the Sun Puma lose his grip on the sun, making ig linger in the sky forevermore. As he tried to escape the newly accursed sunlight, he was destroyed by its burning rays. His followers retrieved his body and mummified it, thus preventing him from having to become one of the Kuni.[8] Later, Heresa Heri found that he rose from the dead as a mummy and as the [[darklord of Tsuu-Y-Teke.[9]
