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Canon Information

Ghouls are low-level corporeal undead known for eating the rotting or rotted corpses of the dead and are often found in graveyards. However, their preference for eating decomposed bodies does not prevent them from attacking live prey. Although ghouls vaguely resemble the humanoids they once were, undeath has warped them in both mind and body, growing long teeth and claws. Their bite and claws can cause paralysis, except for elves. Unlike many other undead, ghouls are not solitary and dwell in packs.[1]

Ghouls are considered to be Walking Dead and Hungry Dead.[2]

Encounter Areas

Ghouls can be encountered in the domains of Avonleigh[3], the Endless Road[4], Graefmotte[5], Hazlan[6], Kartakass[7][8], Mordent[9][10], Necropolis[11], G'Henna[12][13], Ghastria[14], Keening[15], Nosos[16], Nova Vaasa[17], the Shadow Rift[18], Sithicus[19], and Staunton Bluffs[20]. As undead, they may also be encountered in Barovia[21][22] Darkon[23][24], Har'Akir[25][26], Sanguinia[27], and Valachan[28][29]. Prior to its dissolution, ghouls could be encountered in Daglan.[30]

Ghouls patrol the sewers of Citadel Cavitius in packs led by ghoul lords.[31]


Noncanon Information

Ghouls can be found in Ustalav. In fact, they may have an underground kingdom beneath the Hungry Mountains.[32]

In Literature

Interview with a Ghoul
