Category:Wachter Family

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The Wachter Family is an old noble family of Barovia that have long loyally served the Count Strahd von Zarovich. Their holdings are in the immediate vicinity of the Krezk Pass.

In 351 BC, Victor Wachter stood by Count Strahd von Zarovich when the Dilisnyas sough to wipe out the Von Zarovches. In 398 BC, his daughter Lovina Wachter supplied the tomb in which Leo Dilisnya was imprisoned. From which point, the family enjoyed, and prospered under, the protection of the Count of Barovia. Yersinia Wachter, a diplomatically skilled woman and widow, was the several times great grand-daughter of Lovina. She maintained a part-time, volunteer militia of fifty mostly well-to-do children from the neighbouring estates for the defense of Barovia. It was led by her son Aldrick Wachter and helped destroy a raiding party of shambling undead sent by Azalin Rex in 580 BC. Currently, Ivan Wachter is Burgomaster of Krezk.


Gazetteer I, p 21

I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin