The Wounded City

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The Wounded City is a pocket domain near the Lost Mountains in al Kathos. It is ruled by Abd-al-Mamat.[1]

The Wounded City's official name is Mamatpolis being named after the dark lord. During the one year in which Abd-al-Mamat is active the city's rule is very lawful evil with very harsh, strict laws that are ruthlessly enforced. After that year things start changing. The new sheik, who is always one of his descendants, starts having problems in enforcing his rule. The guards start taking bribes to look the other way when the more extreme of the laws are violated. Eventually these laws are repealed after which the guards start looking the other way when less extreme laws are violated. After about 20 years other of Abd-al-Mamat's descendants aim for power and there are attempted coups and parts of the city are almost independent of the rest. By the end of the century the Wounded City is in near anarchy and Abd-al-Mamat has to start from scratch in re-establishing his rule.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Tales of Ravenloft:The Judgement of Abd-al-Mamat

Tales of Ravenloft:The Judgement of Abd-al-Mamat - p170