Category:Chiang-shi Vampire

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The Chiang-shi vampire (also known as the "oriental vampire") is a vampiric strain hailing from eastern lands such as Rokushima Taiyoo although characters not from that culture can nonetheless still be infected by the chiang-shi strain. A chiang-shi bears a slightly gleaming skin pallor, white hair, and unusually, even unnaturally, long nails that, if cut, grow to full size over the chiang-shi's next sleep period inside the vampire's coffin.[1][2][3] The length of a chiang-shi's nails corresponds to the vampire's age category.[2][3]


Chiang-shi vampires are not known for being social creatures, though they uphold firm hierarchy when they come into contact. However, chiang-shi have little regard for what mortal humanoids think, although a chiang-shi may feign existence as a mortal sage to cover for more nefarious activities. Save for the younger, lower status vampires, chiang-shi typically relish minimalist residences and living conditions. Ironically, younger chiang-shi may feel compulsion to show off their wealth more as compensation for lack of status among their fellow immortals.[1]

As stated previously, chiang-shi can be encountered in eastern land such as their native Rokushima Taiyoo.[4] They may also be found in Sri Raji or, in rare and usual circumstances, domains of the Core.[1]

Special Abilities of the Chiang-shi Vampire[1][2][3]

Like their Barovian equivalent, members of the Chiang-shi vampire strain drink blood and can also afflict foes with energy drain (though with claw attacks instead of slams). A chiang-shi's gaze does not cause a charm or domination effect but instead holds the victim still as per a hold monster spell. Chiang-shi vampires can shapeshift into tigers instead of wolves, bats, or mist. A chiang-shi vampire summons cats or panthers using the Children of the Night special ability of the vampire.

Chiang-shi vampires also have the abilities to walk (however slowly) across the air, summon insect swarms, and passwall. Any weapon that strikes a chiang-shi may be corroded to nothing. A chiang-shi deprived of all hit points turns not into mist but instead becomes invisible and incorporeal, attempting to return to its coffin.


The chiang-shi vampires shares their Western cousins' vulnerability to sunlight and running water Howevever, chiang-shi vampires are repulsed by the smoke of burning incense created from a mix of rosemary and myrrh instead of the normal items used to repel vampires. A chiang-shi cannot touch anyone bearing a garland created from rosemary and ivy. Impalement of a chiang-shi's heart with a bamboo stake will kill the creature, but will animate again once the stake is removed unless the proper precautions are taken to destroy the chiang-shi's corpse.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III
Denizens of Darkness

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p110
Denizens of Darkness - p153

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp 110-111
Denizens of Darkness - pp149-151, 163-164

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp 110-111
Denizens of Darkness - pp149-151

Vampire, Oriental Vampire, Chiang-shi

Pages in category "Chiang-shi Vampire"

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