Corvus River

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The Corvus River has as its tributary the Amnis Lacrimarum ("River of Tears"), which has as its source the meltwaters Mount Nirka in the Mountains of Misery of southeastern Darkon.

The course of the Amnis Lacrimarum runs west, into Keening, bending towards the north as it traverses the northeast corner of that forsaken land. It then crosses back into Darkon, picks up water from the western foothills of the Mountains of Misery, and merges into the Corvus River as a minor tributary. Within Keening at least, its waters are lifeless.

Another tributary starts in Darkon, passes through Tepest, then back into Darkon to join up with the main river.[1]


  1. Gazetteer V, p. 12, 15.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Domains of Dread

Domains of Dread - pp26-27
Requiem: The Grim Harvest - poster map
Servants of Darkness - poster map