Mistipedia:Crowd sourcing rules

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These are the rules for creating and adding content for the Fraternity of Shadows' ongoing crowd-sourcing Mistipedia project.

The goal of this project is to add adventure hooks and content for the newly published 4th Edition domains as well as creating new domains to hopefully one day rival those of the Core.

This project is based around The Hub Cluster, a large cluster of diverse domains, a second Core elsewhere in the Mists.

The Rules

  1. Add to the established domains. We would prefer to have fewer well-detailed domains rather than dozens of sparsely described lands. Feel free to add people, places, and hooks as well as expanding on the existing content.
  2. Add and try not to replace or revise. Try not to erase someone else's ideas. While not every idea is gold, try and make them work before revising or altering.
  3. Add the best, not the most. Add your best ideas first, your A-material. Don't add extra content just to add extra content, and don't feel the need to write as much as possible just to fill gaps. Something someone else writes might inspire you later, and you can always add more.
  4. Be creative. Seriously. Wow us.

Style Guidelines

  1. For an example of how a domain entry should look, please reference the entry on Barovia.
  2. For an example of how an NPC entry should look, please reference the entry on Azalin.
  3. All pages with Hub Project content should use {{FoS-canon}} to mark the content, and should have [[Category:The Hub Project]] along with any other relevant categories. ([[Category:The Hub]] should be reserved for the domains that make up the cluster.). (Alternately, you can use {{hub}}, which will add both the FoS-canon template and the Hub Project category.)


What is this?

We're making new domains and expanding on seldom-touched domains.

Who can participate?

Anyone and everyone. Well... anyone and everyone who likes Ravenloft and has a rudimentary understanding of English.

What can I add? Anything you want, other than new lords and lands. Want to name and add a city? Do so. An NPC or organization? Sure. A monster or adventure locale? Sure, as long as it fits.

I don't know anything about "domain X". Where did "domain X" come from?

Only Al Kathos, Graefmotte, Histaven, and Monadhan are previously published domains. Chelleaux, Fallaya Basin, Giddim, and Mourning Pyre are brand new. If you've read the description you know it all!

Why do this?

Partly to add some new places and stories to Ravenloft , partly to draw attention to the Mistipedia, and partly to do something with the 4e domains.

Can I add my homebrew domain/ darklord?

Not at this time.

We're focusing on already published domains, either official or created by the Fraternity of Shadows. When we expand into brand new domains these will likely be additional creations of the Fraternity. We might eventually hold open calls or add polls for more domains, but this will be much later.

Why did you induce "domain X" instead of "domain y?

Domain selection was based on one of three criteria:

1) publication in the online Dragon magazine

2) featuring a campaign setting not featured yet

3) does something different with its darklord

Could you include "domain Z"?

If there's a really cool fan domain that wows us, has a unique hook, and could be expanded on we'll consider it. But the author has to be on board with the idea and excited about letting strangers play with his toys.

Can I add my homebrew domain, if I change it into a generic location with a villain instead of a darklord?

If it works as a location. Lands that are a one-note idea might work better as a location than a tiny Island of Terror. An adventure hook rather than a full land.

My awesome idea doesn't fit the lands. Should I add it anyway or change it to make it fit?

We would prefer ideas fit and complement the lands. Not every idea has to fit perfectly, as there should be some variation in the lands, but don't try and squeeze an idea into a land not suited for it. If you want to change or tweak your idea that's fine, or you can wait and see if a future land fits better.

Alternatively, you can add your idea to any other domain as long as you mark it as homebrew content.

Why does it say "more to come?"

We're not starting with all our ideas at once, and instead we will be tricking out content over the next few months. This is partly so we can establish and fine-tune the basics before releasing the content, and partly to not overwhelm people at the start. We want people to focus on what we have first before expanding.

If the current domains do not inspire stay tuned and more will come; maybe the next land will get your creative juices flowing.

How much experience is required? I want to participate, but I don't know how to use a wiki.

It's easy. When editing a page (see the tabs at the top of the window) there are buttons that help with formatting. If you can write on a Message Board you can write for a Wiki. The site itself has some examples in the Help section. And other helpful contributors can always come along and fix your formatting later.

Jester of the FoS 21:47, 12 June 2012 (MDT)