Galf Kloggin

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Galf Kloggin is a halfling wererat bandit and gang leader who resides in Darkon, in the Forest of Shadows. His gang includes werebears, werewolves, and of course wererats.[1]

Before he became a lycanthrope, Galf was fond of a halfling maiden named Vitra. She had shown kindness toward him in their childhood, but did not return his love in adulthood. As a result, he betrayed and strangled her. She subsequently cursed Galf with lycanthropy.[2]

The fallout of the Requiem has empowered Galf with the ability to turn dead rats into zombies.[3]

As of the writing of Gazetteer II, Galf is causing trouble with his rampant banditry. However, he may also have some new tricks up sleeve to help him capitalize on the fright people still hold for the Whistling Fiend.[4]

During The Shrouded Years, Galf Kloggin was one of seven monstrous individuals native to Darkon whom the Dark Powers seemed to consider as potential Darklords. Had he proven himself "worthy", then a portion of Darkon would have been broken away from the control of Azalin and given to him. However, in the end, only Lowellyn Dachine proved themselves to be truly monstrous, resulting in the transformation of Il Aluk into the domain of Necropolis. Had Galf Kloggin achieved a similar feat, they would have become the Darklord of the Forest of Shadows.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Requiem: The Grim Harvest - Necropolis
Domains of Dread

Requiem: The Grim Harvest - Necropolis - p17
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II - p13

Requiem: The Grim Harvest - Necropolis - p17
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II - p16

Requiem: The Grim Harvest - Necropolis - pp16-17
Domains of Dread p 35
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II - pp13-14