Simon Audaire

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Simon Audaire (681 BC-710 BC) is an nonplayer character from the Ravenloft campaign setting. Since his murder by his wife and reanimation as one of the ancient dead by one of his nephews, Simon Audaire has become the icon of veneration for the Cult of Simon Audaire, a rebellion and conspiracy against the wererat domination of the family.


Simon Audaire first appeared on the Renier family tree in Realm of Terror[1], but the Cult of Simon Audaire first appeared in Dragon Magazine #264.[2] Some of that information from that article appeared in a sidebar on the cult for Ravenloft Gazetteer III, including basic 3rd Edition game statistics for Simon.[3]


In universe, he is one of the Richemuloise Reniers only by marriage, not by lineage, and thus he is not a lycanthrope. Yet he married Marie Renier and with her had several wererat children, including Jacqueline and Louise Renier. In 710 BC, Marie Renier murdered him and gave her children the Renier surname, thus setting a precedent for her children to follow.[1]

In 735 BC, the brothers Gerard Renier and Pierre Renier gathered with several other disenfranchised, nonwererat male Reniers in the catacombs beneath Ste. Ronges. Gerard Renier made an deal with an evil power[4] named the Withered Rat to reanimate Simon Audaire as one of the ancient dead. Chosen because he was used and cast aside for his humanity, Simon Audaire now serves as the focal point of a mummy cult in Ste Ronges. From the cult's perspective, Simon represents the embodiment of vengeance against wererats. Though Simon remains under Gerard's control, Gerard remains careful as he believes Simon to represent a potentially volatile asset.[4]


See Dragon #264 p. 53

Game Statistics

2nd Edition:

3rd Edition


  1. 1.0 1.1 Realm of Terror ("Black Box") p. 125
  2. Dragon Magazine #264 p. 52-57
  3. 3.0 3.1 Ravenloft Gazetteer I p. 103
  4. 4.0 4.1 Dragon #264 p. 53-54
  5. Dragon Magazine 264 p. 53

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Realm of Terror

Realm of Terror - p125, reference card