Category:Song Blades

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The Song Blades were an outlander adventurer band consisting of two brotherly wizards, the knight Sir Andros Valkyrie, and his wife, the artiste Lady Karalyn Valkyrie. However, the band was destroyed in the fight against the Dark Mother Miranda and her cult that resided in the Cathedral of the Damned, with the brothers and Sir Andros killed and Lady Karalyn transformed into the Beast. However, before he was slain, Sir Andros destroyed the control collar the Dark Mother had put on Lady Karalyn. She murdered the Dread Mother after slaying her companions. This final death drew the Cathedral into the Mists, ending up in Mordent.[1]

Although the wizard brothers remain deceased, Sir Andros has risen from death as a ghost.[2]


Pages in category "Song Blades"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.