Lady Karalyn Valkyrie

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Lady Karalyn Valkyrie[1], or rather her alter ego the Beast of the Cathedral, is the demilord of the Cathedral of the Damned, a pocket domain in Mordent. Lady Karalyn and the Beast share bodies much in the same way Malken and Tristen Hiregaard, save that the transformation from one to the other occurs every 24 hours with the coming of dawn.

Before the Curse

Formerly a farm girl, Karalyn Valkyrie met and fell in love with a knight and adventurer named Andros Valkyrie. They were eventually married, and they, along with a pair of wizard brothers, formed an adventurer band called the Song Blades. The Song Blades were quite successful until they decided to raid the Cathedral of the Damned. Lady Karalyn was captured by the Dark Mother Miranda, and the rest of the Song Blades were forced to flee.

The wizard brothers and Andros regained their bearings and sneaked back into the Cathedral to strike at the Dark Mother and free Karalyn. However, the Dark Mother had already levied a curse upon Karalyn, transforming her into a monstrous entity known as the Beast. Enslaving her with a magical control collar, the Dark Mother ordered Karalyn to destroy her former allies. The Beast killed them all, though Andros managed to destroy the collar before he perished. Free from domination but still in the form (and mind) of a monster, the Beast turned on the Dark Mother and murdered her. With this final spilling of blood, the Mists captured the Cathedral and placed it in Mordent near Dorsit.

With the arrival of the Cathedral in the Demiplane of Dread, the Beast found she could not leave the building.

Newcomer to the Cathedral

Sometime later, Christian the Mad Vampire blundered into the Cathedral and encountered the Beast and was promptly defeated. The Beast bullied Christian into serving her and making her a dread golem. She rejected the his first creation, "Werebat", but approved of the second, Billie Bonez. Chrstian and his creations have no inkling to the Beast's true nature as an (involuntary) shapechanger.

Sir Andros periodically manifests as a ghost, but the Beast always sends Christian and Billie Bonez to destroy him immediately for fear that her secret is discovered.


female human artiste (bard) 8; Neutral Good (11 Hit Dice, Chaotic Evil as the Beast)
