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Now one of the Ancient Dead bound to his crypt, Nevin[1] was the court wizard who conspired with the woman that later became the Hive Queen to slay her mother.


was once a court wizard for the royal court of Timor. He was seduced and manipulated by the princess to conspire for the queen's death. After discovering the princess was unfaithful, Nevin transformed her into the Hive Queen, causing her to go on a brutal rampage that took his life. Weary of causing Nevin's spirit to become angered, the city council ordered a tomb constructed for Nevin, where his body was place and eventually arose as one of the Ancient Dead. Following the Grand Conjunction, the sewers of Timor along with Nevin's tomb were brought beneath Paridon. After his tomb was disturbed by marikith, he lashed out violently and killed many, but only when his tomb was intruded upon. Nevin now lurks alone in his crypt, wishing revenge upon the Hive Queen but his existence as mummy anchored to his tomb prevents this.
