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Theoric is a minor character from Black Crusade. He is an elderly man whom lives in Birne and is a member of one of the founding families of Birne. As such, he is a witch and is in on the secret pact the founding families have with the fey of the Cineris Forest: sacrifices in return agricultural prosperity. After the failure of this pact, he willingly allowed Marta Talliers to be used as a scapegoat as a witch that had blighted the crops.[1]

Theoric was part of the mob that formed when Leonera returned from Perdition Hill, a prison supposedly inescapable without black magic. After Diederic explained the situation (and back it up with some martial bravado), Theoric told the mob to disperse, before explaining the anti-witch sentiments that had taken over Birne.[2]

During Sir Diederic de Wyndt's investigation of the matter to prove Marta's innocence, Theoric concealed the truth about Birne's ill-fortunes. After the son of Silma Reveaux was killed in an altercation with Diederic, Theoric advised caution to the grieving old woman against summoning woodland spirits for her revenge, but Silma refused and threatened violence against any whom stood in her way.[3] After Diederic defeated Silma, Theoric pleaded with the knight to spare her. Diederic granted this request, but only after Theoric told him the true story of Birne's secrets.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Black Crusade p. 177-181
  2. p. 126-132
  3. p. 142-143