
- Index - History - Organization - Membership - Personalities - Credits -

- The Printshop - Domains of Dread - Contribute -

You may be interested to find out who it is that makes all these material available, eh? Well, we have our regular visits of bards and other talemongers, and some of the locals that help out with stacking and binding know their lore...

The societies members are from all classes, races, and domains. It is probably one of the most varied societies in existence, and describing all of them would be a pointless feat. However, some of the members stand out among the rest, be it by the power they wield, or the reputation they have rightfully earned.

Liederick Meijer

Society chairman, Council member

Raphael Avantes

Society administrator, Council member

Nivert Breesk

Society Librarian, Council member

Damien Bloch

Society Member

Wynne the Wanderer

Society Member

Loup d'Ombre

Society Member

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