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First introduced in Quoth the Raven Issue 28 as a character in the Chibiloft comics. Comoară is a young Giomorgo woman from Barovia who grew up craving adventure and is now living her dream.


Comoară was born in Barovia to a local peddler and a Vistana woman. Her mother was a potent sorceress, who would frequently claim that she had been ousted from her caravan due to a power struggle over who would become the next raunie; her father just kept his head down and struggled to make enough money to feed his little family and keep them clothed while staying on the move so his wife need not suffer static burn.

Comoară's parents were disappointed when their child grew up lacking both her mother's strong arcane affinities and her father's talent for reading and subtly manipulating people. Instead, their daughter had weird magical talents of her own that deeply distressed her mother, especially when her daughter started 'borrowing' spells right out of her mind instead of practising her own, and made trouble for the family. Worse, Comoară developed a brash personality, coupled with a romantic notion of righteousness and 'adventure' that both her parents agreed could only lead to trouble. Regrettably for them, they were exactly right.

In 764 BC, Comoară witnessed some of the thugs who served the Devil Strahd as tax-gatherers bullying some peasants. As her family had passed through the village and been treated well enough, she decided to take a stand for the oppressed... and robbed the tax-gatherers, intending to return their money to the villagers. The terrified farmers turned her in before Strahd's wrath could befall them, and Comoară and her parents had to flee. During their frantic flight, the little family became separated, and Comoară found herself running along through the Barovian night, with a group of thugs right on her heels. A fogbank seemed to offer an opportunity for her to hide, only for it to suddenly vanish when she approached - and reveal two strangers: Slice and Wick. Comoară was about to meet the other two founding members of the Chibiloft Crew, had she but known it, and the life of adventure she had dreamed of was about to become a reality... at a price.


To be quite harsh, Comoară is foolish. She rushes into situations and fails to think about consequences in the long term. When faced with overwhelming odds (especially when these come as the consequence of her own actions), she is bewildered and becomes frightened. She truly needs clearer minds to help guide her through life; normally she is quite happy to listen to people she considers friends, and to take their advice... unless she becomes excited and rushes in. In spite of her flaws, Comoară is genuinely good-natured and wants to help people who would otherwise be helpless. She is willing to go as far as she needs to, in order to help those in need. She is also most often the one who keeps bringing quests and missions to the rest of the Chibiloft Crew, which has as often been the cause of genuine adventure and acts of derring-do as of frantic retreats and bickering among the group.


So long as Comoară receives clear, simple instructions before battle begins (it helps if someone makes sure to rehearse these with her a couple of times) and she does not get so excited that she starts to improvise, she is actually a very proficient combatant. She is capable of dual-wielding both pistols and light blades, and is very good at using the opportunities offered by a good flank both to deal damage and to rob enemy spellcasters of their magic.


Since the Succubus Slap joined the 'Crew, Comoară has found herself attracted to her fiendish teammate's worship of Mytteri. The notion of complete freedom and the overthrow of tyranny appealed so much to the young adventurer that she has converted from worship of the Morninglord to the embodiment of Chaos, though she worships a different aspect of it than Slap does.


While Comoară is generally very content with her life as an adventurer, she would like to see her mother and father again, so she can apologize. To her growing confusion and frustration, she has not been able to find a single trace of them - not even much-dreaded hints and rumours that they might be dead. Unusually for her, Comoară is hesitant to involve her teammates in her search for her family. This is because she feels the 'Crew is like a surrogate family to her, and she dreads offending either her birth parents or her teammates by introducing them to each other.

It is implied by the timing of her birth that Comoară might be the reincarnated daughter of Traven.


Chaotic Good Barovian female Giomorgo Spellthief