Mother/Madam Schlosser

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'Mother', also referred to as 'Madam Schlosser', is the oldest persona of the Devoratrix known as the Red Haunt. This persona is first introduced in Quoth the Raven Issue 27, The Conferences of Victor Gagné IV.


'Mother' cleaves closest to what might be described as the 'traditional' form of a Devoratrix when in her preferred form. Her face is extremely beautiful, in a disquieting way, and her figure has been described as 'sin made flesh' - not inappropriate for a Demon created to seduce people so as to lull them into a false sense of security. Her hair is black and straight, her eyes either dark or bright red, and she has slender antlers like a roe deer. Unlike most Devoratrices, 'Mother' adorns her antlers with opals.


'Mother' was 'born' in 581 BC, after the Fiend originally cursed herself to avoid Darkon's 'residential curse' from overwriting her memory. A fiendish tabula rasa, Mother came into awareness dimly knowing what she was and what she desired, but with no knowledge of who or where she was.

Arguably, 'Mother' is closest to her demonic roots; her main area of interest is feeding and breeding, and her perspective is almost wholly fiendish. Most of the time, she is a primal being guided by instinctive urges... especially the urge to fill the void in her memory. Having come upon the University of Il Aluk during her travels through Darkon, it was 'Mother' who decided to fill the inner emptiness with knowledge. It could be said that it was she who set the 'qabal' that is the Red Haunt on their course of absorbing knowledge from varied sources.


Although her main interests are primal, this does not mean 'Mother' is stupid. In fact, she is a scholar in her own right, with a focus on planar lore. When hunting or in combat, she prefers to set up ambushes that her targets can't see coming, and to separate them with her powers over darkness and arcane magic.

Although she is not the most learned of the Red Haunt's personas, 'Mother' is the eldest and the most powerful in terms of class levels. Her fiendish instincts are the bedrock upon which all the other personas were built.


'Mother' has a small estate in Nevuchar Springs. She masquerades as an Elf-woman merchant when in the city, using her supposed profession as an excuse for her long absences and infrequent visits. A private security firm guards the austere and largely unfurnished mansion when 'Mother' is not in attendance.


Chaotic Evil female Devoratrix Bard 6 / Shadowcaster 4 / Noctumancer 10